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منطق فازی (Fuzzy Logic) اولین بار در پی تنظیم نظریه مجموعههای فازی به وسیله پروفسور لطفی زاده (۱۹۶۵ میلادی) در صحنه محاسبات نو ظاهر شد. در واقع منطق فازی از منطق ارزشهای «صفر و یک» نرمافزارهای کلاسیک فراتر رفته و درگاهی جدید برای دنیای علوم نرمافزاری و رایانهها میگشاید، زیرا فضای شناور و نامحدود بین اعداد صفر و یک را نیز در منطق و استدلالهای خود به کار میگیرد. در ادامه مقالات علمی انتشارات بین المللی اشپرینگر (Springer) در زمینه منطق فازی (Fuzzy Logic) برای دانلود آمده است. می توانید برای دانلود هر یک از مقالات از سرور دانلود متلب سایت، بر روی لینک دانلود هر یک از آن ها، کلیک کنید.
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دانلود رایگان مجموعه مقالات علمی اشپرینگر در زمینه منطق فازی — فهرست اصلی
عنوان اصلی مقاله | Predicting the mechanical characteristics of hydrogen functionalized graphene sheets using artificial neural network approach |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Venkatesh Vijayaraghavan, Akhil Garg, Chee How Wong, Kang Tai, Yogesh Bhalerao |
چکیده / توضیح | The mechanical properties of hydrogen functionalized graphene (HFG) sheets were predicted in this work by using artificial neural network approach. The predictions of tensile strength of HFG sheets made by the proposed approach are compared to those generated by molecular dynamics simulations. The results indicate that our proposed computing technique can be used as a powerful tool for predicting the tensile strength of the HFG sheet. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | An integrated fuzzy approach for evaluating remanufacturing alternatives of a product design |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Xiaojun Wang, Hing Kai Chan |
چکیده / توضیح | Remanufacturing has emerged as a competitive strategy for manufacturers to tackle environmental and economic challenges. In this paper, an integrated fuzzy approach is developed for the evaluation of remanufacturing alternatives. Then, importance weights of main remanufacturing processes and evaluation criteria are obtained through fuzzy extent analysis. Fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS is then applied to evaluate the alternatives. A case study is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach. The analysis results show that it is a viable approach and can be used as an effective tool for design evaluation from the remanufacturing point of view. Finally, conclusions are discussed and future research directions are suggested. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | Multi-objective design of fuzzy logic controller in supply chain |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Mahdi Ghane, Mohammad Jafar Tarokh |
چکیده / توضیح | Unlike commonly used methods, in this paper, we have introduced a new approach for designing fuzzy controllers. In this approach, we have simultaneously optimized both objective functions of a supply chain over a two-dimensional space. Then, we have obtained a spectrum of optimized points, each of which represents a set of optimal parameters which can be chosen by the manager according to the importance of objective functions. Our used supply chain model is a member of inventory and order-based production control system family, a generalization of the periodic review which is termed ‘Order-Up-To policy.’ An auto rule maker, based on non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, has been applied to the experimental initial fuzzy rules. According to performance measurement, our results indicate the efficiency of the proposed approach. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | Resource leveling scheduling by an ant colony-based model |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Mohsen Garmsiri, Mohammad Reza Abassi |
چکیده / توضیح | In project scheduling, many problems can arise when resource fluctuations are beyond acceptable limits. To overcome this, mathematical techniques have been developed for leveling resources. However, these produce a hard and inflexible approach in scheduling projects. The authors propose a simple resource leveling approach that can be used in scheduling projects with multi-mode execution activities. In the mentioned approach, an ant algorithm determines the execution mode of each activity so that resource leveling index and project time become optimum. In the model, some visibility functions (defined in accordance with problem characteristics) are utilized, and the best, which return the best result, is selected for the model. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | Strategy-aligned fuzzy approach for market segment evaluation and selection: a modular decision support system by dynamic network process (DNP) |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Ali Mohammadi Nasrabadi, Mohammad Hossein Hosseinpour, Sadoullah Ebrahimnejad |
چکیده / توضیح | In competitive markets, market segmentation is a critical point of business, and it can be used as a generic strategy. In each segment, strategies lead companies to their targets; thus, segment selection and the application of the appropriate strategies over time are very important to achieve successful business. This paper aims to model a strategy-aligned fuzzy approach to market segment evaluation and selection. A modular decision support system (DSS) is developed to select an optimum segment with its appropriate strategies. The suggested DSS has two main modules. The first one is SPACE matrix which indicates the risk of each segment. Also, it determines the long-term strategies. The second module finds the most preferred segment-strategies over time. Dynamic network process is applied to prioritize segment-strategies according to five competitive force factors. There is vagueness in pairwise comparisons, and this vagueness has been modeled using fuzzy concepts. To clarify, an example is illustrated by a case study in Iran's coffee market. The results show that success possibility of segments could be different, and choosing the best ones could help companies to be sure in developing their business. Moreover, changing the priority of strategies over time indicates the importance of long-term planning. This fact has been supported by a case study on strategic priority difference in short- and long-term consideration. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | A multi-period distribution network design model under demand uncertainty |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Babak H Tabrizi, Jafar Razmi |
چکیده / توضیح | Supply chain management is taken into account as an inseparable component in satisfying customers' requirements. This paper deals with the distribution network design (DND) problem which is a critical issue in achieving supply chain accomplishments. A capable DND can guarantee the success of the entire network performance. However, there are many factors that can cause fluctuations in input data determining market treatment, with respect to short-term planning, on the one hand. On the other hand, network performance may be threatened by the changes that take place within practicing periods, with respect to long-term planning. Thus, in order to bring both kinds of changes under control, we considered a new multi-period, multi-commodity, multi-source DND problem in circumstances where the network encounters uncertain demands. The fuzzy logic is applied here as an efficient tool for controlling the potential customers' demand risk. The defuzzifying framework leads the practitioners and decision-makers to interact with the solution procedure continuously. The fuzzy model is then validated by a sensitivity analysis test, and a typical problem is solved in order to illustrate the implementation steps. Finally, the formulation is tested by some different-sized problems to show its total performance. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | Finding efficient frontier of process parameters for plastic injection molding |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Wu-Lin Chen, Chin-Yin Huang, Ching-Ya Huang |
چکیده / توضیح | Product quality for plastic injection molding process is highly related with the settings for its process parameters. Additionally, the product quality is not simply based on a single quality index, but multiple interrelated quality indices. To find the settings for the process parameters such that the multiple quality indices can be simultaneously optimized is becoming a research issue and is now known as finding the efficient frontier of the process parameters. This study considers three quality indices in the plastic injection molding: war page, shrinkage, and volumetric shrinkage at ejection. A digital camera thin cover is taken as an investigation example to show the method of finding the efficient frontier. Solidworks and Moldflow are utilized to create the part’s geometry and to simulate the injection molding process, respectively. Nine process parameters are considered in this research: injection time, injection pressure, packing time, packing pressure, cooling time, cooling temperature, mold open time, melt temperature, and mold temperature. Taguchi’s orthogonal array L27 is applied to run the experiments, and analysis of variance is then used to find the significant process factors with the significant level 0.05. In the example case, four process factors are found significant. The four significant factors are further used to generate 34 experiments by complete experimental design. Each of the experiments is run in Moldflow. The collected experimental data with three quality indices and four process factors are further used to generate three multiple regression equations for the three quality indices, respectively. Then, the three multiple regression equations are applied to generate 1,225 theoretical datasets. Finally, data envelopment analysis is adopted to find the efficient frontier of the 1,225 theoretical datasets. The found datasets on the efficient frontier are with the optimal quality. The process parameters of the efficient frontier are further validated by Moldflow. This study demonstrates that the developed procedure has proved a useful optimization procedure that can be applied in practice to the injection molding process. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | Systems pathology |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Dana Faratian |
چکیده / توضیح | Histopathology is a data-rich discipline. A standard histopathology report describing the macroscopic, microscopic, and basic molecular features of a breast cancer resection specimen contains tens of individual data items, including the histological type, size, grade, completeness of excision, node status, presence or absence of pre-invasive disease, oestrogen receptor (ER) and human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)2 status, and sometimes a comment on response to preoperative systemic therapy, to name a few. When this information is combined with clinical parameters such as age and co-morbidities, clinicians can, with remarkable accuracy, determine what the likely outcome is for an individual patient, and tailor treatment accordingly. However, in spite of thousands of articles documenting and claiming refinement of the morphological characterisation of breast cancers using single marker prognostic or predictive tissue biomarkers, only ER and HER2 are routinely used in ... |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | Recent translational research: computational studies of breast cancer |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Michael Retsky, Romano Demicheli, William Hrushesky, John Speer, Douglas Swartzendruber, Robert Wardwell |
چکیده / توضیح | The combination of mathematics – queen of sciences – and the general utility of computers has been used to make important inroads into insight-providing breast cancer research and clinical aids. These developments are in two broad areas. First, they provide useful prognostic guidelines for individual patients based on historic evidence. Second, by suggesting numeric tumor growth laws that are correlated to clinical parameters, they permit development of biologically relevant theories and comparison with patient data to help us understand complex biologic processes. These latter studies have produced many new ideas that are testable in clinical trials. In this review we discuss these developments from a clinical perspective, and ask whether and how they translate into useful tools for patient treatment. |
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عنوان اصلی مقاله | A predictive penetrative fracture mapping method from regional potential field and geologic datasets, southwest Colorado Plateau, U.S.A. |
نوع مقاله | مقاله ژورنال |
نویسندگان | Mark E. Gettings, Mark W. Bultman |
چکیده / توضیح | Some aquifers of the southwest Colorado Plateau, U.S.A., are deeply buried and overlain by several impermeable units, and thus recharge to the aquifer is probably mainly by seepage down penetrative fracture systems. This purpose of this study was to develop a method to map the location of candidate deep penetrative fractures over a 120,000 km2 area using gravity and aeromagnetic anomaly data together with surficial fracture data. The resulting database constitutes a spatially registered estimate of recharge location. Candidate deep fractures were obtained by spatial correlation of horizontal gradient and analytic signal maxima of gravity and magnetic anomalies vertically with major surficial lineaments obtained from geologic, topographic, side-looking airborne radar, and satellite imagery. The maps define a sub-set of possible penetrative fractures because of limitations of data coverage and the analysis technique. The data and techniques employed do not yield any indication as to whether fractures are open or closed. Correlations were carried out using image processing software in such a way that every pixel on the resulting grids was coded to uniquely identify which datasets correlated. The technique correctly identified known deep fracture systems and many new ones. Maps of the correlations also define in detail the tectonic fabrics of the southwestern Colorado Plateau. |
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مطالب پیشنهادی
مجموعه: دانلود کتاب و مقاله, سیستم های فازی, سیستم های فازی عصبی برچسب ها: fuzzy, Fuzzy Logic, دانلود رایگان مقالات, دانلود رایگان مقالات اشپرینگر, دانلود مقالات اشپرینگر, دانلود مقاله, سیستم های فازی, فازی, مقالات اشپرینگر, منطق فازی